Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Apple Crisp

It's autumn when the leaves shed their green colour and take on hues of red and yellow. And of course it is also the season of apples. Did you know that there are over 7000 kinds of apples in the world? ( I just googled it and I knew it was a lot but didn't expect 7000). My favourite variety are the Fuji apples. They are uber sweet and juicy. My next favourite are the galas because they are not as expensive as the Fujis and they taste sweet like the Fujis.

The idea to make apple crisps stemmed when I bought a bag of gala apples at Costco. I usually don't like to buy produce there but their apples never failed me, not so far.

They are so simple and easy to make, however, depending on how much you are making, you may need to devote couple hours to the oven. I made a whole bag, 6 lbs., of apples. They can burn quite easily if not carefully monitored and since I like them little bit more crispy, I had to keep checking on them to make sure they weren't getting burnt.


Mandolin slicer (I think this is a must tool for this because you want the apple slices to be even and not too thick so they bake evenly)
Brown sugar
Cookie sheet
Parchment paper or silicon mat

I turned oven on at 325F. And I put the timer on for 30 minutes because I wanted them to be crispy and crunchy. You want them to be crispy, not burnt. If they take on a hint of brown, take them out immediately.

They were so good. I experimented with powdered ginger and nutmeg and I didn't like either of them. I am going to stick with brown sugar and cinnamon for now. I may experiment with different spices at another time if I feel like it.

The only problem with making them is that I kept eating them while I was making them. My plan to pack a bag for my hubby for tomorrow may be in jeopardy because of me. Uh oh. I better restrain myself.

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